Ensuring Patient Safety: Water Management Strategies in Healthcare

Is your healthcare facility prepared for the growing threat of waterborne pathogens?

This webinar dives deep into the dangers posed by Legionnaires' disease and other emerging threats like Stenotrophomonas and Pseudomonas. We'll explore:

  • Regulatory Landscape: Learn about Joint Commission, CMS, and ASHRAE standards, and why they matter.

  • Beyond Legionella: Discover the dangerous challenges posed by other waterborne pathogens in healthcare settings.

  • Effective Water Management: Gain practical strategies for building a comprehensive water management plan, including control measures, testing methods, and avoiding common pitfalls. 

  • ST108 Explained: Demystify this critical standard for medical device reprocessing. 

Join the presenter Abraham Cullom, PhD, Director of Water Safety and Management and Dr. Janet Stout, PhD, EVP as the moderator to learn how to protect your patients, staff, and reputation from the risks of waterborne pathogens.



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